€85 million to take care of the world

MGEN’s new investment fund operated by makesense and Serena

Pitch us

We back high impact and high potential players

Serial entrepreneurs who are commited, experienced and caring and who support companies on a daily basis in meeting all of their top priorities (operating team)

An access to the network of entrepreneurs and skills from Serena (the largest and most active peer-to-peer community in Europe) and makesense (+200 impact entrepreneurs) to benefit from their pioneer experience

Impact measurement experts to make it more than just a word and build sustainable companies and leadership

Know-how in building category leaders (we carried out several exits valued at over €100 million and witnessed many success stories out of Europe).

We back the new gen of founders having a positive impact on society and its environment, with tickets from 500k up to 3M€

Develop physical activity and sports

Sports and outdoor activities are at the heart of preventive healthcare. We want to make it more attractive and accessible to all.

Improve daily lifestyles

We want to promote well-being and togetherness through the new gen of innovation in diet, social ties and solidarity, etc.

Protect the environment and its links with health

We believe that the environment and health are intimately linked. We want to optimise the consumption of natural resources, develop virtuous practices and act on the living environment that determines good health.

Make education accessible to all
Education is the starting point for many inequalities, and we will make it accessible to all while strengthening their inclusive role through new technologies or collaborative approaches.

The founding partners

The MGEN group, major player in social protection and leading mutual insurance company in the french public sector, is the driving force behind this project and brings a credible, grounded vision that takes care of individuals.

makesense supports social entrepreneurs in making the ecological and solidarity-based transition a reality through an investment fund, an incubator and innovative mobilisation programmes. makesense offers its 10 years of experience in supporting impact projects to Racine².

Serena, VC firm founded in 2008 by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, invests in bold companies and provides them with expertise and on-demand operational support, in France and the United States. It is using its network of serial tech entrepreneurs and its expertise in high-growth models to back Racine²’s entrepreneurs.

Aligned interests for a secured mission

Aligning our model from the inside

  • Our carried interest is tied to the achievement of specific impact criteria and goals
  • We are members of Impact France, France Invest (impact), and Impact for the Future
  • We are signatories of PRI & Sista
  • We are in the process of obtaining B-Corp certification

Supporting entrepreneurs on

  • Your social impact mission, written into your articles of association
  • Extra-financial impact indicators and contractualized objectives
  • An alignment roadmap to put in place the necessary safeguards to protect your mission

Our ambition

Fabrice Heyriès

“We are very excited that MGEN, a player in the Social and Solidarity Economy, is creating a large impact fund in areas related to our values. The Racine² fund is an ambitious project and we are convinced that we have found the right partners to see this deployment through. This fund will enable projects to be funded across the whole country. We believe that impact generation and economic performance are not incompatible: supported businesses will help shape a better world.”

Managing Director of MGEN

Léa Zaslavsky

“As social and environmental divisions continue to widen a little more each day, makesense is proud to co-manage a fund whose primary mission is to finance companies that truly care for people, our connections, and our world. Changing the paradigm starts with changing our financing methods. Racine² is a first step and the beginning of a financial and cultural revolution. The projects supported will help to think up and develop the contented, sustainable society that makesense wants to see.”

Co-founder of makesense

Eric Gossart

“Building impactful leaders is a unique inflection point, similar to those of digital transformation and artificial intelligence. Positive impact native companies are creating a significant competitive advantage over those that have not made social, economic, and environmental progress a central piece in their model. With Racine², we are committed to building this paradigm shift and a new definition of leadership. Serena is delighted, at a time when the urgency to act is pressing, to partner with makesense alongside MGEN.”

Partner at Serena

Our portfolio

MAY Santé

Empowering parents in their life’s greatest adventure

May is a mobile health app created in Paris that empowers (future) parents with proactive, personalized, and holistic care. May puts a healthcare team in (future) parents’ pocket, answering any questions by chat 7/7, and offers exclusive content at each step from pregnancy to school, for an enlightened and relaxed parenting journey.

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The sustainable neobank committed to limiting global warming

Helios is a new sustainable and transparent banking model that directs its user’s money towards environmental investment projects. Helios was created between Paris and Nantes by Maeva Courtois and Julia Ménayas in march 2020. Backed by Solarisbank’s banking license, the start-up offers a payment card, all daily banking services and a dedicated advisor, all accessible from a mobile application.

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Democratize rental to the greatest number of people

Simple and all-in-one software, Lokki accompanies sports equipment rental companies in launching and simplify their business.

The startup’s mission is to democratize rental to as many people as possible to accelerate the deployment of circular business models. Founded in 2019 in Grenoble, Lokki now has 18 employees and supports 800 outlets in France.

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Santé Academy

Video training for healthcare professionals

Created in 2020 by Stanislas De Zutter, Félix Levious and Jessym Reziga, Santé Académie is rethinking the codes of continuing education for healthcare professionals by offering a collaborative, asynchronous and 100% digital learning experience, adapted to the practice and constraints of caregivers.

Its film-quality video training solution is accessible to doctors, nurses, nurses’ aides, pharmacists and medical assistants, whether they are self-employed or in hospitals, throughout France, directly via the web or on a mobile application. Santé Académie includes more than 60 training courses, conducted with the best national experts in their fields. Today, more than 20,000 healthcare professionals and renowned institutions (GHU Paris, Hôpital des Armées, etc.) have already been trained with Santé Académie, with a user satisfaction rate of 95%.

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Putting an end to social and educational inequalities by unleashing children’s potential

Since its creation in 2016, Educ-up has been committed to fostering an inclusive educational vision based on the needs of each child. Inspired by Maria Montessori’s vision, the start-up offers innovative concepts to enable all children, including those from working-class backgrounds or with disabilities, to learn and contribute positively to society.

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Earth observation company making Regen Ag profitable for farmers through Satellite-based MRV.

CarbonFarm monitors practices and emissions with AI and satellite images, handles carbon-credits certification and brokers credits. They are starting with Rice, representing 50% of crop-related emissions, which can be halved at no cost by adopting proven sustainable irrigation techniques. Their satellite-verified carbon credits unlock additional revenues for sustainable rice-farmers, while providing a new way for corporates to reach their net-zero goals.

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Generate reliable and personalized energy studies for energy renovation projects

Kelvin is a French startup founded in 2023 by three serial entrepreneurs, Clémentine Lalande, Guillaume Sempé, and Pierre Joly. Dedicated to professionals in renovation and real estate, kelvin generates energy studies of a property and provides tailored recommendations with associated costs for guaranteed EPC improvement. Kelvin’s mission is to scale up the energy renovation of residential housing.

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Our team

Eric Gossart

Léa Zaslavsky


Sybille Ranchon

Alizée Lozac’hmeur

Marc Fournier

David Bitton

Margaux Bussière

Coralie Gaudoux

Mathilde Thorel

Previously funded by
Serena or makesense